# Things I saw # at NICAR 2016
# First: 10+ days worth of sessions * All of these links (and more) at [Chrys Wu's site](http://blog.chryswu.com/2016/03/08/nicar16-slides-links-tutorials-resources/) * [My actual notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WwZ6GTJbr60xrhDWcerHOiTf5LB-D-fNWxQ-EkvF5sY/edit?usp=drive_web) from the sessions I attended
# All the Digital Journalism * [The Thrust Depot](http://depot.thethrust.net/): An Encyclopedia of Interactive News

Future of Interactive News

## [Mobile and Snackable Visualization](https://github.com/julia67/data-viz-for-all) * What you show reader off the bat is most of what they’ll get * Clear and concise headlines. Know what the most important info is * Death to tooltips * Have empathy for your users * Where are they (and how fast is the connection?) * Know your platform * Create an entirely different version of graphics for social
"Who would have thought this could happen? Well, you can.
- John Keefe, WNYC"

Data as Sound

### [Information Design for the Human Brain](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uBxEDbJhFif3pGc51rnXS8Rj8PIcD9YszHDWuUulD4Y/edit#slide=id.p) ![Two charts](http://paldhous.github.io/NICAR/2016/img/infodes_3.jpg) #### [AKA _What Chart To Use_](http://paldhous.github.io/NICAR/2016/infodesign.html)

VR Journalism

In Space!